
My name is Amanda and this is my tiny table.

I come from a long line of amazing women who also happen to know their way around a kitchen. Growing up, I spent a lot of time watching and learning from the best- AKA my Mom, my Aunt Deb, and my grandmother.

When I finally moved into a tiny studio apartment in Washington, DC, I couldn’t wait to start cooking! I found joy in making delicious family recipes for my college friends, even hosting a few dinner parties along the way. After all, there’s nothing better than good food with great company!

And that’s how Amanda’s Tiny Table began- just a girl with a passion for making her friends and family smile over a plate of chicken pot pie. Here, you’ll find recipes to nourish the body and the soul. To me, that means balance! Some days I like to eat lean proteins, whole grains, and lots of fruits and veggies. And some days you’ll find me devouring a piece of chocolate cake. It’s all about balance, right?

So if you’re looking for fast, easy, and relatively inexpensive recipes to satisfy your healthy (or not-so-healthy) cravings, you’ve come to the right place!

Pull up a chair and get comfortable- my table may be tiny, but you’re always welcome here!

A few things about me…

I graduated from the George Washington University with a B.A. in Political Science and minors in English and Theatre.

I’m an aspiring children’s advocacy attorney with a passion for juvenile justice.

I’m an avid theatre-goer, performer, and playwright. 

My boyfriend, Noah, is my favorite taste-tester! His favorites include coconut curry shrimp and flourless chocolate cake.

When I’m not in the kitchen, you can most likely find me spending time with family in Lancaster, PA or exploring new corners of Washington, DC.

My favorite things include coffee, yoga, the color purple, anything chocolate, and puppies.

My Mom is my best friend. When it comes to cooking and baking, she’s taught me everything I know!

I taught English to children in Crete, Greece through a program called Learning Enterprises. 

Favorite tv shows include: The Office, Parks and Recreation, The Crown, Madame Secretary, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, and Stranger Things.

Why the Tiny Table?

To put it simply, because my table actually IS tiny! So is my kitchen. And the rest of my studio apartment! While cooking in a closet-sized kitchen can certainly be a challenge, it has definitely pushed me to think outside the box! If I can whip up these recipes with my pint-sized appliances, you can definitely make these in your own kitchen!

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